Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wisdom Streams from the Sky -- Webcasts with Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo. First webcast this Saturday, March 19th, at 3pm Eastern Daylight Time

Hello friends,

This coming Saturday, March 19th, at 3 pm, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo is going to be offering a live webcast from the Adawi Temple at the Sunray Peace Village. You can watch by going to the Sunray website, The broadcast will be shown in the top center of the home page. We would encourage people to show their appreciation and support these webcasts by making a donation.

Venerable Dhyani is going to speak for up to 90 minutes, and will lead people through the Medicine Wheel Mandala practice. It is a very volatile time, and this practice helps stabilize the mind and one's surroundings.

Please join us! And please invite others to watch. This will be our first public webcast.

Thank you.

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