An Open Invitation to Participate
in the Sunray Blogs
I hope you have visited our two main Sunray blogs. There is one for the Sunray Peace Village – http://www.sunraypeacevillage.blogspot.com/ – on which everything related to the Peace Village is posted. There is also one for Sunray Meditation Society – http://www.sunraycentral.blogspot.com/ – which includes the activities of Sunray Meditation Society.
There are also two local community blogs. One for DC/VA/MD and Georgia – http://www.sunraydc.blogspot.com/ – and one for the Northern California community -- http://www.circlecenter-gfd.blogspot.com/.
The Peace Village and Sunray Central blogs are intended as community blogs. By that I mean that they are open to contributions from any member of the Sunray community, or anyone else who has something germane to offer to the community. I would like to extend an invitation to you, if you feel inspired, to offer one or more things that could be posted on the blogs.
So far, most of the postings on both blogs have been announcements of upcoming events. There have also been some after-event reports. And the Peace Village blog has posted some stories from people who have been there. This is an excellent beginning.
However, the potential is there for the blogs to be more of a community dialogue if people would offer their thoughts up for general reading. We are a series of far-flung communities. These blogs provide an opportunity to share more substantive material. By doing so, those of like mind may hear of our community and seek to join us, and we can learn from each other. At least, that is my hope.
I would also note that these blogs offer the opportunity to comment on any of the posts. This is another way to engage in dialogue as community members.
Please join the dialogue. For now, items for posting (other than comments, which can be done by anyone) should be sent by e-mail to Brian Siebel at bjsiebel@msn.com Indicate which blog(s) you would like to post to. And please send photos or graphics if you have them.
Thank you.
There are also two local community blogs. One for DC/VA/MD and Georgia – http://www.sunraydc.blogspot.com/ – and one for the Northern California community -- http://www.circlecenter-gfd.blogspot.com/.
The Peace Village and Sunray Central blogs are intended as community blogs. By that I mean that they are open to contributions from any member of the Sunray community, or anyone else who has something germane to offer to the community. I would like to extend an invitation to you, if you feel inspired, to offer one or more things that could be posted on the blogs.
So far, most of the postings on both blogs have been announcements of upcoming events. There have also been some after-event reports. And the Peace Village blog has posted some stories from people who have been there. This is an excellent beginning.
However, the potential is there for the blogs to be more of a community dialogue if people would offer their thoughts up for general reading. We are a series of far-flung communities. These blogs provide an opportunity to share more substantive material. By doing so, those of like mind may hear of our community and seek to join us, and we can learn from each other. At least, that is my hope.
I would also note that these blogs offer the opportunity to comment on any of the posts. This is another way to engage in dialogue as community members.
Please join the dialogue. For now, items for posting (other than comments, which can be done by anyone) should be sent by e-mail to Brian Siebel at bjsiebel@msn.com Indicate which blog(s) you would like to post to. And please send photos or graphics if you have them.
Thank you.
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