Today begins the end of the year Achi practice at Vajra Dakininunnery. You are welcome to join us at 7 pm at Vajra Dakini this week for Achi recitation. (The closing of the year is viewed as a time of karmic debts ripening and therefore a special time for protector practice)
Tibetan Buddhist Lineages often have a grandmother protector figure. In our lineage it is Achi. She is a historic enlightened woman who, due to her foresight, became the great grandmother of Lord Jigten Sumgon , founder of the Drikung Kagyu. She promised to assist all practitioners throughout time. We do an offering to her every evening, remembering her courage. She walked her truth in a time when is was considered outrageous for a woman to determine anything about her life, much less become a spiritual teacher. One of the reasons we are interested in preserving the woman's lineage within Buddhism is because there is a long line of such courageous women.
This year the Tibetan Government has asked for Losar festivities to be canceled on this 50th anneversary of the dispora due to the tremendous suffering in Tibet this year. Prayers are always good but the festivities world wide will not be offered. At VDN we will celebrate Chotrul Duchen the first 10 million merit day of the new year- on March 11th. In this tradition we particularly celebrate Marpa and Milarepa on these days. We begin March 10th when we will read selections of their enlightened poetry from The Rain of Wisdom. March 11 will begin with a dawn smoke offering and tsok. Readings and prayers continue through the day,
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