Just as the wise gardener plants seeds in accordance with lunar cycles, we too may energize seed thoughts of accomplishment through understanding lunar cycles as a support for energizing the accomplishment of life and spiritual goals.
Consider that you are inseparable from the creative potential of the universe and that the thoughts you contemplate manifest within your life and circle of relationships. When you envision a goal that will benefit you and your relationships during the new moon it will develop and reveal results during the full moon. This process is supported through careful tending of your mind and receptive vision.
We shall discuss methods of utilizing lunar cycles in cultivating wisdom and skill during our next two monthly telephone seminars. August 27th and September 17th.
We will also consider the aspects of physical, emotional and intellectual cycles based on the number of days since your birth through the system of biorhythms as a support in manifesting joyful wisdom and skill.
6pm - Pacific Standard Time
7pm - Mountain Time
8pm - Central Standard Time
9pm - Eastern Standard Time